190-380V or 250-450V DC (100mA) for tube preamplifier
0-15V DC (1.5A) x2 for tube filaments / other applications
1. Adjustable tube power supply by resistor trimmer for tube preamplifier, for examples, Jadis JP-200, Cary AE-ONE, Marantz 7, etc.
2. Incorporating flexible design: Use 5Z2/5Z3/5U4/6X4/Two diodes as rectifer, EL84/6P14 as voltage regulating tube and EF86/6J8 as buffer tube
3. Additional power supply for filament: adjust to 6.3V/12.6V (1.5A) x2
4. Double blue layer PCB, 250mmx120mm, PCB thickness of 2.5mm, 2 oz copper metal, come with schematic.
5. Socket provided for filtering choke 10H 150mA connection or manually short.

1. Soldering the components according to the schematic and part list which can be downloaded from here.
2. For 190-380V DC output, D1 uses 1N5378B
For 250-450V DC output, D1 uses 1N5383B
3. Connect the power transformer according to the schematic and switch on the power supply (turn it off if found any smokes from transformer or the tubes does not light up properly).
4. Measure the voltage across the J4 (Dangerous! Be care of high voltage!), J6 and J7. The voltage of J4 will be gradually increase until reach preset voltage.
5. Output voltage can be adjusted by VR1.
Ensure all high voltage capacitors are fully discharged after switched off the power supply! (it normally takes few minutes)